MRTS Train Timings Nemilicherry H to Attipattu Pudu Nagar
SNo | Train No | Runs On | From Station | Start Time | To Station | Reach Time |
1 | 43852 | All days | Nemilicherry H | 05:38 AM | Attipattu Pudu Nagar | 06:56 AM |
All Train & Staion Details from Nemilicherry H
MRTS Means : Mass Rapid Transit System
The Chennai Mass Rapid Transit System, a state-owned subsidiary of Indian Railways, is a metropolitan elevated railway line operated by Southern Railways. It is the first elevated railway line in India. Although it is segregated from the Chennai Suburban Railway, they both are operated by Southern Railway and are integrated in a wider urban rail network.
Suburban train timings chennai MRTS train timings chennai details are collected from southern railway updated. we are providing dynamic search for Chennai local train timings.
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